29 December 2010

Best of 2010?

Oh, so many 'best of 2010' topics available to write about, and I'm just not up to it yet.  A couple years ago, my wife and I sent out 'Valentines Letters' instead of Christmas letters...I think I may take that approach on this blog this year...I'll do the best of 2010 sometime in the first quarter of 2011.

In the mean time, I'm getting ready to take my 15-year-old twin boys deer hunting this weekend.  Everything is looking good so far, minus the fact that they have mandatory basketball practice Friday morning (the tags allow us to hunt Friday through Sunday, but I'll be in church Sunday, so that day is out).  That gives us Friday afternoon to travel, scout, and make a plan.  Saturday is hunting day. Hope the deer are anxious to get shot, or we might end up with an empty freezer this year.

I'm not mentioning the possible blizzard that might hit...so far, things are still looking good (for it to pass to our north), but things change in a hurry around here.  We'll see.

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