08 April 2011

A Few Tidbits

I just got copies of both The Next Story by Tim Challies and Counterfeit Gospels by Trevin Wax.  Which to read first?  I started them both...I have a bad habit of reading four or ten books at once, a little at a time.  I wonder how it affects my retention...

I think I'll read Counterfeit Gospels first...I may outline it and try to make a short (three-to-six week) Sunday School curriculum out of it. 

I enjoyed this post on the 'Gagafication of the Church'.  It's kind of weird to think about...but a valid concern.

A thought gleaned from Michael Horton- "Today's fundamentalists are tomorrow's liberals."  How so?  I think he might be right, but I need a lot more info before I go around saying it.

Finally, here's a quote from Horton's Gospel Driven Life that I love-

“The last thing we need is a church that keeps us sealed up in our own compartment with others of similar experiences in life.  We need to be integrated into the body of Christ.  Younger believers don’t need another speaker to come in and tell them about dating, self-esteem, and relationships.  They need to have relationships with saints who have put on a few miles in the Christian life and have faced challenges to their faith and practice that younger believers have not.”  (p. 197)


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