27 August 2010

More From Tullian on Why The Gospel is Unifying, Not Diversifying

Tullian Tchividjian has added an additional post describing why his church, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, did away with separate contemporary and traditional services recently.  The reasons are summed up by him as, "...the great tragedy of segregation isn’t so much that we see less of each other but that in separating from each other we see less of God."

If you didn't read the first post he wrote, it can be found here.  The new post is here.

Nothing would be better for the church as a whole at this time to have many more congregations do the same.

1 comment:

  1. I so agree with this. I watched our church go through this. Instead of worshipping God in one type of service that incorporated both traditional and contemporary they just created the 2 service approach. I foretold that eventually they would switch to all contemporary and were thus trying to please the world and not really try to praise God. I watched as the orchestra and choir were told they were no longer needed and that they should find somewhere else to serve. Also, the older generation in the church which valued the traditional hymns were not given any weight in the decision. Even though they probably contributed 75% of the funds for the church. Now these people have to go in search of a new church home that will value them. Change is hard for these people. What is happening to our churches? Everyone should be valued not just the contemporary music lovers that would rather see a guy on the stage with a guitar and a holy beam of light shining on him and him alone. The light should be on the cross and our heavenly father.


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