22 August 2010

School Starts In The Morning!

Big day tomorrow...the new school year starts up.  My oldest two are going in to their freshman year of high school...hard to believe.  My youngest starts 5th grade, so I don't have any kids in elementary school any more.

Hard to say which is more intense...knowing that I'm getting old much faster than I care to, or being excited about seeing my kids growing up so quickly and doing so well at it.

The fun part of the deal is the new car.  We went and picked up our new Chevy Suburban on Saturday.  Our old one has almost 200,000 miles and is over 7 years old.  Since we'll be driving all over the Texas panhandle to ball games for the next seven years, we thought now would be a good time.  Those things may seem expensive, but if you get eight years out of one, that is pretty cheap driving.

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